Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Remoulded Crayons

Blogtober 5th

Break up old crayons in cupcake wrappers, pop in the oven, and hey presto, new crayons, even the littlest person in the house can make her mark with these pretty cupcakes._DSC7699

Build them up…

and knock them down



Sheeprustler said...

I've been meaning to try that! It looks such fun :)

MY SPACE said...

Hoping to get some of these done before our oven gets ripped out!!! They are very cute.

Tania said...

See, my problem is, I smuggle all the crayon bits away then promptly forget where I left 'em. I AM GOING TO DO THIS COME HELL OR HIGH WATER (when I've found the crayon bits).